Search my heart oh Lord...


Last days of beach vacations....

So my inspiration for today's post comes from thinking/worrying about North Carolina's Outer Banks.  I do pray that the hurricane will bypass this beautiful, natural land. 
I believe that the place that makes me most happy, the place I want to retire, and the place I want to take my last breath, would have to be the Outer Banks of North Carolina {particularly, Rodanthe}. 

I absolutely love the feeling of walking into an open, airy, beach house with large windows and huge porches. There's just something about the way it smells, the way you can still feel a little bit of grit on the floor from the sand no matter how much you mop, sweep, and vacuum, and the relaxing place my mind goes when I pull into the driveway.

I found this gorgeous bathroom image that brought back a little bit of that sensation.

Photo found here.

What catches your eye first?  For me, it 's the fluffy blue rug below the sink.  I just want to stand on it and stare out that window, that I know is to the left, at the beautiful ocean view.  Also, I love the faucets and the two symmetrical mirrors. This bathroom has such a relaxing, fresh feeling to it, that would be perfect on the coast or at your house! Also, I love, love, love antiques...and that vintage blue lantern on the top shelf is just screaming at me!

Photo found here.
This beach front bedroom is a little modern...compared to the bath above...but when I saw I fell in love with those LARGE windows...and the beautiful sheer canopy! What a wonderful place to wake up in the morning :) And I love the ceiling!

Farewell Readers.


My Favorite things...Today.

So, does anyone ever watch Kathie Lee and Hoda on the Today Show?  If you do, then you know what I'm talking about. There is a segment of the show that is called "KLG and Hoda's Favorite Things." This is the part of the show where they can discuss the new products, fashions, etc. that they love.  Sometimes it may be face cream, other days it may be a candy bar.  So today, I want to simply show and tell you about a couple of things I ran across that are my favorite!

#1. First of all, I have a wonderful friend who has an interesting sense of humor, along with some interesting obsessions.  One being the band, Queen, the other being our former presidents, specifically Thomas Jefferson. But anyway, I had the pleasure of having lunch with her the other day and her outfit made me I just had to share it.

#2.  While browsing through the lovely Currey & Co. catalog the other day, I found this lovely lamp. It jumped out at me, maybe because I'm in love with the coast, specifically the Outer Banks, and it had wonderful texture.
Picture found here.
Now I realize that this lamp is not for everyone, and can not be used in many applications. But, I do believe that it is a magnificent use of clam shells. I love, love, love the texture it creates and the plump shape of it.  Just imagine these lamps on either side of a plush off-white colored sofa, sitting in a living area surrounded by huge floor to ceiling windows, staring out at the endless ocean as the waves crash against the shore. What do you think? Do you like it? As a little side note, I do believe I'd like it a little better with a drum shade.

Thanks for reading.
Hannah MaeLou


The Joy of Freshness

Hello my visitors.  What a wonderful feeling it is to sit on the sofa with my freshly painted red fingernails holding a hot cup of chamomile tea and indulge in a night of hunting for some of the freshest feeling interiors I can find.  My style or preference for interiors tends to fluctuate fairly often, especially when the season changes.  As of right now, I'm loving white, a little bit of cream, and anything fresh and light feeling. (The 100degree weather may contribute to that in some way.)

Picture found here.
So what I love most about this stairwell is the amazing light fixture making such a bold statement.  Also, notice the assorted bird photos along the wall.  I like how it makes me feel fresh and cozy, but yet it's still a bit modern.   I can just feel myself standing on that landing staring out that window. What do you think about this? Do you like the carpet? Do the birds remind you of Edgar Allen Poe?  Well, if they didn't in the first place, I'm sure they do now. Ha.

Cheerio readers.


Hello my visitors.

Well, I am super excited about starting this blog. I was traveling down south this weekend, bombarded with thoughts and ideas, when it suddenly hit me...start a blog! So I did!  This blog will be full of my interior loves, ideas, and obsessions. Also, a few delectable dishes, and most likely, many random ramblings.

First of all, you may be wondering who Lou and Mae are. They are both names of my grandmother's, both who have recently passed into a glorious life.  When I was growing up, my mother would call me "Hannah Mae" or "Hannah Lou."  Needless to say, it stuck. So Lou and Mae are!

I am an interior designer and reside in a quaint home on the outskirts of Nashville, TN.  I have a deep passion for interiors, art, music, and food.  In the previous years while I studied design in college, I felt as though I'd lost touch with some of my deep passions and loves for the arts.  I am now determined to dive in and get it back. This is a way for me to keep up with and organize all my ideas. I hope you will dive in and sail with me through the waves of artistic bliss...

P.S. You may have to be a little patient with me, as I am slightly technologically challenged.  I will commit to learning and getting better though! :)

Thanks, Enjoy!